However, you can estimate the potential profitability of mining Ethereum classic yourself using online-calculators. The equipment pays for itself within 3-7 months (depending on the capacity and cost of electricity in your country). Leaving all of the above outlined and immediately answering the question of whether or not to mine ETCs, at the time of writing this article – it is worth it.

It is simply impossible to describe everything in one article, but we will consider the main points.
To understand what equipment to buy, how to mine ETCs (solo or in a group), what is the volatility of currency, what affects it and so on, you need to study the issue in detail. In addition, it is worth taking into account other less important, but still affecting the final result, factors: The cost of tokens when exchanging into fiat money.Initial capital – the possibility of buying and assembling a farm or special equipment (ICO).And in this question, it is important to consider many factors: Often asking the question whether it is worth mining this or that crypto, people mean profitability. Hardware wallets are recommended for storing significant amounts of money, but first you will need to buy such a device. Perhaps the easiest and most convenient option would be to use ETC Web Wallet, presented on our website. There are several different types of cryptocurrency wallets (hardware, software or online services). The main thing is to find the right trusted service.

To work with any tokens or virtual currencies, you will need a digital ETC wallet. You can learn more about the tokens and the network itself in the article What is Ethereum Classic. In fact, it is a hard fork of the already popular Ethereum network, which took place in 2016. It didn’t appear that long ago, but considering its predecessor, Ethereum Classic at the time of its “birth” didn’t need any more advertising. As it should be, let’s first talk in two words about what ETC (Ethereum Classic) is.